
tech note

Bizarrely, it is very difficult to get internet access in or around Bryant Park, and nearly impossible to upload photos. I don't know why this is- my bets are either that style.com has purposely jammed the wifi channels, or there is simply too much electronic equipment in use for everything to work. Either way, there are dozens of us sitting cross legged on the floor of the little media room, screaming in frustration at our computers in about as many languages. The trio perched on stools to my left sound like a Spanish soap opera, a video blogger from Milan is gesticulating wildly to my right, and an American girl across from me is threatening suicide if she can't connect to the internet soon. Just to keep things lively, I'm using the only Finnish swear word I know (c/o my grandmother). Hopefully no one from the Hel Looks team is around, because I'm not actually sure what my delightful sounding invective really means...

In summary, sorry I'm not able to update quite as often as I would like. Just know that me and my miu mius are here in the midst of many Manolos, thinking of you and collecting thoughts and scraps in a notebook to be put on La Femme as soon as possible.



Anonymous said...

I am loving your posts so far-- you are such a pro!! Can't wait for more!


Raquel Wilson said...

Wifi access in Bryant Park is ALWAYS horrible. You literally have to walk around in the park with your laptop until you find a signal then stand in that exact spot, being careful not to move an mil to the left or right.

I hear Central Park has better access, but it's not right in the middle of the action either! Good luck!

Mademoiselle said...

In any case, your entry is a fun one...

Anonymous said...

i'm loving your posts as well. have fun.

Anonymous said...

ah! you've been in the press room! but i don't think i've seen you yet because i haven't seen anyone who resembles your photos.

i know exactly who you're talking about when you say "Spanish soap opera" ;)

i'll give you a tip for internet access if i see you tomorrow. have you tried connecting to the press network?

Anonymous said...

Is the swear word perkele? :)